Thursday, 26 May 2022

This, that, travels and cats.

The fancy took me to write a few notes, and you're one of them.

We've all survived the last couple of years without suffering significant harm. I'm troubled by events in Ukraine and limit how much I follow things.

I've just completed my one-year course at the local technical college - it was computer-related and I hope to put some of what I learned to use. The exams are over and I await the results. The score doesn't really matter to me though. I know what I learned. 

I don't remember where we left off conversations but we've acquired a new kitten (called Luna, should probably be Luna(tic)), and continue to care for a feral tomcat we call Scrawny. 

When we first encountered Scrawny he was, well, Scrawny. He was thin, his fur was thin and bedraggled and he wouldn't let anyone approach him. Scrawny is scrawny no longer. He will let Siobhan pet him and he will sometimes come into the house, but is very quick to dash out again too.

Luna, is always scampering about. She is about 6 months old and has recently been neutered. We plan to let her out into the garden when the fur has grown back over the scar area. From time to time she ambushes me: I will be doing something and suddenly experience a sharp pain in my leg (claws digging in). She sometimes climbs up and sits on my shoulder, imagine Long John Silver with the parrot but with everyone involved having more limbs!

Now that I've got my course out of the way, I'm thinking about making a trip over to the UK. I have some business which it would be easier and pleasanter to do in person. I have no plans at present but am thinking about what I want to do. Are you "receiving visitors" if I happen to be in your part of the world?

26th May 2022

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